My Life In A Book
We all have scars from life – some deeper than others – some more visible than others – some unspeakable – we all have obstacles to overcome. That’s part of what life is all about. Phoenix Bound is my life in a book. I can now put it on a shelf. I don’t have to relive it or obsess over it or remember it. Obviously, I couldn’t put everything in one book but I certainly tried. Phoenix Bound concentrates on raising our adopted and traumatized children.
PHOENIX BOUND: A Phoenix is a mythical bird that is known to be rising from the ashes. In the same way, my husband and I are rising from the ashes of destruction, condemnation, humiliation, persecution and an unexpected move. DOUBLE MEANING: Phoenix also refers to Phoenix, Arizona, where our family found our new home, an environment more conducive to raising a family. The subtitle explains more of what the book is about: An Adoptive Mom of 13 Shares Her Struggle Raising Traumatized Children.
A SIDE NOTE: We had to change our names in the book for privacy and protection. The rest of the book is truthful, as I see it. It was written from my point of view, the adoptive mom of 13.
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