There’s always room for improvement. It’s a perspective that I have. As I’ve mentioned before, I do not live in guilt, shame or discontentment but I do strive to be a better person than I was the day before. It’s our duty to humanity to continue to work on ourselves. As we go through life, with it’s crude hardships, sometimes we can become jaded, hurt, bitter, confused, and angry. With this, we may develop bad habits, bad attitudes or twisted perceptions. For example, our older girls saw things so differently from how we saw things, due to their past traumas, we were often left confused and hurt.

As a way of improvement, some people like to regularly write out goals.  Others write their New Year’s Resolutions. And yet others, do not believe in any of that because they’ve learned it doesn’t do them any good. I am a believer in writing goals but also writing smaller attainable objectives. If I can control the date that something gets done then I will set my mind to get that one thing done within that time frame. Well, recently, due to some difficulties with my past publisher, I decided to leave her services and venture out on my own into unknown waters. I am as clueless as an ant in a bee colony. But I know I did the right thing.

That being said, I am excited to announce my newly released SECOND EDITION of PHOENIX BOUND: An adoptive mom of 13 shares her struggle raising traumatized children. I have added a few specialty pages and I am doubly proud of my accomplishment. I am more excited about the lives PHOENIX BOUND will touch and perhaps even, change. The most noticeable difference between the first and second edition is the cover. I hope you like it as much as I do. I especially like the lighter, brighter background color. Although our lives have not always been light and bright, a dark cover gives PHOENIX BOUND a darker feel. Like I told one of my readers who had a difficult time with reading a specific situation we found ourselves in – our most difficult and dark times, brought us light. The depression, fear and anger of our older son’s behaviors and result of those behaviors, led us to our only newborn son. It brings me to my knees when this realization hits.

There’s always room for improvement. What are you going to improve today?  What have you been working on that needs finalization? What goal do you need to break down into attainable objectives?